
Walmart employee terminated after filming a mother and her child shopping inside a Walmart and the child with only a pamper on in freezing cold temperatures


Walmart employee terminated after filming a mother and her child shopping inside a Walmart and the child with only a pamper on in freezing cold temperatures. Mother was later arrested and child taken into CPS custody. This happened in Bryam, Mississippi.


  1. Thats her faukt i mean why would she film that anyway? What filming is going to solve for a crazy mother? Absolutely nothing. She had to be slow to even let her baby naked in cold weather. Why not just ask the lady did the baby need clothes? She could have utilized that moment for helping this mother instead of puling out a cellphone embarrassing another woman. We got to do better. Hopefully the video went viral and if that mother need help mentally or financially she can get that type of support.

      1. I so agree with you. They were harassing her and following her around in the store. If you were going to call cps or cops just do it secretly. CPS is not any better. Mostly blacks think CPS is the answer.

  2. She stated that cps had been called on her twice before and she passed. So this video evidence was good. I don’t think the employee should have been fired. Evidently there was conversation before the video started between the employee and customer. And maybe she thought this was a better way to help this poor child. She did not touch her or the child, so in my opinion she did what needed to be done. If you see something, say something.

  3. Bottom line is the child needed to protected, the mama got all her clothes on so she not that crazy she knows its cold outside. Baby should have been dressed for the weather as well. She needs CPS in her life because obviously she is unfit mom at this point

    1. Agreed. As a DCFS work, visuals are used in cases all the time such as this which is neglect and child endangerment. She should appeal hee termination based off of principle. She more than likely saved this poor baby’s life.

  4. They need to mind their own. Business.. Leave that Lady Alone.instead of helping her they talked about her badly.. If they not Going to make her situation better just get someone to help her..They don’t know what this lady was going through..

  5. It doesn’t matter what that woman is going through she’s fully dressed n that baby is not, that baby needs was being neglected. It was right of CPS to take that baby.

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