
Video: Dart Bus Drivers Having A Fight At The West End Station


2 Dart Bus Drivers Having A Fight At The West End Station.

Allegedly both out on administrative leave.

📹: #ZaeeTeddyCuh on Facebook


  1. Good cause some of them are really mean and disrespectful, calling dart to make a report dont work at all, they all working together. The lady hung up on me when i reported the bus driver used foul language because i didn’t sit down fast enough, remind the bus was full and there was barely seating available. She took off while i was looking for a seat and i fell luckily i didn’t hurt myself too bad and she used foul language as doing so . Even the passengers said she was wrong. The lady stated she was already late and didn’t care . Then did it to the next passenger picked up but this man cursed her out about taking off while trying to seat

  2. How the Hell do you watch videos? I keep clicking ‘Video’ and going back and forth on 2 pages

  3. Are Dart buses used in some cities the same as Metro buses are in others? I ask because I’ve never heard of Dart before.

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