
Sunrise Autism Center employee charged with assaulting toddler, video shows


Sunrise Autism Center employee charged with assaulting a 3-year-old boy during her *first* shift where she was allowed to be unsupervised.

25-year-old Arianna Williams was recorded assaulting a child in Minneapolis.

Williams defended herself, saying she was just “having a really bad start to the week” in a text message to a co-worker.

The mother says her son was diagnosed with autism just one year before and said she cried when she saw the footage.

Williams was charged with malicious punishment of a child.


  1. This what piss me off keep yo hands off the kids give her life make an example don’t hurt kids of any age

  2. Im telling y’all right now. I would not have reported until after she was punished. Someone need to throw her around like she did the baby. SMH

  3. I would have press charges on that retarded Bitch, and every time I would see her I would beat her ass!! She wouldn’t want no one to do that to her child! Tf! Like I said she is retarted!!😡

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