
Sensitive Video: Body cam footage shows the fatal shooting on I-20 in Arlington


Sensitive Video: Body cam footage shows the fatal shooting on I-20 in Arlington. So y’all think this was justifiable?


  1. You can see the gun to the right of his leg in his right hand. He was totally combative. Everyone wanna make it home at night. Period. Cop was very patient and asked over and over.

  2. Dude should have just followed orders. Work it out later if need be but damn. Even the passenger said just put your hands up.

  3. there was never a weapon ever visible during the entire altercation. although the man was being combative that did not constitute him losing his life the delay between the guy pointing his finger and the cop pulling his trigger on his gun there’s too far of a gap in between that time you can clearly see that that is a finger that he is pointing and not a weapon the officer was clearly upset over the altercation and used his authority and his ability to utilize his weapon for I believe his own self gratification in this altercation it’s a sad day to see somebody pass away for no reason if it’s working more black we would have it all over the news and probably would even have a day named after him but we don’t for white trash deserved to die

  4. I say it was neglegence on the officers behalf. Yes the victim was not doing what he was told by the officer, but the officer is trained for these types of situations. When the officer first asked if he had a weapon the guy clearly said no, then the officer took it upon his own judgement and thinking to assume the victim had a weapon while he was clearly trying to flee. Then the officer told the victim i will shoot you, that in its self shows aggression from the officer. Lastly the delay in time from when the victim points his finger to the time the officer fired on fim was plenty of time for the officer to register that there was no weapon in the victims hand. Our law enforcement officers are trained to deal with these situations without using lethal force. Us as citizens are and should hold our public servants to a higher standard. This officer clearly made a bad call and he should face the consequences that comes with wrongfully taking a mans life regardless of race gender or religion

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