
Man arrested after video shows him abusing a toddler in Dallas, TX


A father is caught on video slapping and punching his toddler son while the mom and other kid watch. Video took by #SkylarGarret. Ms. Garret also updated and said the dad was arrested. This incident happened on Buckner Blvd in Dallas, TX.


  1. I am glad he was arrested! That is ridiculous! But, mom wasn’t arrested too for allowing it to happen? So sad!

  2. Now you punching that baby did he have shoes on that hot payment momma why would you let this happen we would have been fighting in the streets if that was my baby i hope he gets what’s comming to his azzzz hole

  3. Oh he need too be arrested ASAP for child abuse what the hell is wrong with people and the mother he probably bests her but i wish a mf would hit my baby like that! This burns me up😡😡😡

  4. Take her too! This is sad looks like he or she can barely walk! If you don’t want kids please stop having relations!

  5. She need her ass whooped or in jail too what type of mother gonna let any man or anyone abuse a child in their face somebody needs to punch on his ass like that

  6. Sad the baby is barely walking why would he punch and hit that baby like that somebody need to do him like that oh baby she done for letting him do it he probably go upside her head too prayers for them hope the baby get some help

  7. The mama needs to go to! How could she just stand there and let him do that lil angel like that! He probably beats the mother too!

  8. Absolutely disgusting…i really wish someone would have beennsble to beat the crap out of him before he got arrested!!! Hopefully others in jail will know what he did and beat him to a pulp!!!

  9. I am so glad someone caught that that child’s mother need to be arrested for letting him loose with her child. I’m sure he hits on the mother and she’s a piece of shit for allowing that to go on. I hope he’s never allowed to be around that baby again that is a baby . He looks like the type of dude that will kill his child win enraged.

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