A large fight broke out in Forney between girls and an officer weapon discharged leaving a Forney ISD police officer, a Kaufman County deputy, and a teenage girl sustained injuries after the officer’s firearm discharged during a confrontation on Thursday afternoon.
SMH , 🙏🏼🙏🏼
I’m going to say if you not trying to make a change in life don’t move out there. Normally a quiet area . I am not judging .
This is sad. these kids do disrespectful. the boys started jumping the police officer and his gun fell out the holster. one billet hit one girl and the same bullet hit the other girl.. people need to teach they kids better because this is sooo ridiculous
I have been saying all year for parents to get yawls kids. Our kids need us so badly. Were not staying on their heels because if so there’s no way kids would be jumping on an officer. Clearly we all cam see in the video kids of color. If we’re wanting change amongst people of color then this has got to STOP. Sit yalls kids down and speak to your child(rends) this is inexceptable. There’s no way those kids should of been acting this way. This is just heartbreaking. They need to know to remove themselves out of harms way. This could of end much worse and then we’ll be trying to form a march talking about some damn racism. Make it make sense. Those kids should have moved away from those officers. Come on now fam. Damn get yalls kids. I am so tired of saying R.I.P for senseless acts of violence. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 for OUR KIDS and all involved. Again parents please get yawls kids
This is sad,come on parents you have got to get a hold of your kids this does not make sense. these young men and young ladies should have been in class. or at home if this happened after school. please set down with your ⅕children and have a talk with them because if this continue and you can’t get a hold on them a grave or carceration will. This is a really nice neighborhood know the parents worked hard this now you have to work just as hard to keep it. remember black lives matter……
You see the officer by the girl in the black shirt, “like oops sorry go on ahead” and he walks behind her. That told me all I needed. Them cops don’t care, just like the parents prolly dont!
Look at the :04, chk out the officer and the guh in the dark blue tshirt….🤦🏾♀️