Citzens upset with Dallas PD Gang Unit officers after video shows them tazing and also pulling a man by his hair while he’s inside of a vehicle.
Citzens upset with Dallas PD Gang Unit officers after video shows them tazing and also pulling a man by his hair while he’s inside of a vehicle.
Oh we’re sorry sir! We meant to put you up and the Four Season and feed you caviar! Dont do the crime if you can’t handle the consequences. Scumbag.
The people just said he did not do anything, innocent until proven guilty, oldbutugly, cant see officers using excessive force, He not like Us!I hope they find judgement against the officers!
@OldbutCute u dont even knw the situation bt call him a scumbag lol
Thats all you ever get from oldbut cute negativity post
Somebody needs to fuck y’all up for always fucking with people. I cannot stand the PD you motherfuckers are sorry ass pieces of shit. I hope somebody fucks y’all up out there on these streets these holidays you motherfuckers are racist sorry ass, scary ass punk ass police.
I wish every time the DPD Does some shit like that they get fucked up you punk ass police are very fucking scary and racist and sorry ass pieces of shit