
Sensitive Video: A mother of four is gunned down in Atlanta


Shooting captured on a Ring Camera


  1. that’s so sad, and she was begging for her life right before he did it, and while he was doing it. I hope they catch him!

  2. I’m speechless! people have to come so heartless and ruthless, gone down like a dog in the street! pray for all that is involved

  3. they need to put him in front of a firing squad and shoot him and make him suffer before he dies. heartless s.o.b

  4. they need to find him quick! Shit 10 times for what though? They had to have known each, for real nicca! no prison time straight to electric chair!

  5. The only perfect revenge for whoever killed this lady like that is a beheading, and to have your guts ripped out by hand in front of a hungry pack of wild dogs you are a piece of dog shit

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