NewsFather Rescues Infant Twin Daughters From House FireMelody Davis4 years ago2.5k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Ray Lucas and his girlfriend ran to the store last Saturday morning. When they arrived...
NewsTwins from Australia are Engaged to the Same ManMelody Davis4 years agoJune 20, 20212k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Anna and Lucy DeCinque, 35 year-old identical twins from Australia, will wed 37-year-old electrician Ben...
NewsGeorgia Woman Arrested After Shooting A Woman And Kidnapping Her TwinsAnya Livas4 years agoMay 13, 20212.9k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A Georgia woman was arrested after she shot a woman and kidnapped her newborn twins...
NewsColombian Baby Born With Twin Inside Hersmashdatopic5 years ago8k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A Colombian woman gave birth to twins, 1/2 formed twin inside of another twins abdomen....
NewsTwins Found Deceased In Back Of Fathers Car Foaming Out The Mouthsmashdatopic6 years ago8.2k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A set of twins were found deceased foaming out the mouth in the Bronx Friday...
NewsTwin Sisters Become Twin Brothers | MY TRANS LIFEsmashdatopic6 years ago9.2k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Twin brothers who were born female both transitioned gender at the same time. Identical twins...
Celebrity News1st PICTURE OF BEYONCE AND JAY’S TWINSsmashdatopic8 years ago1.9k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); BEYONCE SHARES FIRST PICTURES OF RUMI AND SIR CARTER! "Sometimes we don't reach for the...
Celebrity NewsCONGRATULATIONS TO BEYONCE AND JAY’Z ON THE BIRTH OF THEIR TWINS…. IT’S A BOY AND A GIRL!!!smashdatopic8 years ago3.5k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Beyonce gave birth to a baby boy and a baby girl!! Reports say the babies...
NewsTeen Kills Twin Brother While Trying To Shoot A Snakesmashdatopic8 years ago2.1k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A 14 year old boy was accidentally shot in the head by his twin brother...
Celebrity NewsNewsBeyonce’ in LABOR!smashdatopic8 years ago1.6k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Has Beyonce' had her gemini twins yet?(How ironic) Nothing can truly be confirmed just yet but...