News3 For 1: Police Chase, Shooting And Standoff Ends In South Dallassmashdatopic7 years ago4.8k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Dallas Officers responded to a shots fired call at S Jim Miler Rd at 8:30pm,...
NewsSuspect Tries To Break Into Home And Ends In Police Stand-offsmashdatopic7 years ago3k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A man had Dallas police in a standoff Monday afternoon near the 3600 block of...
NewsPolice Chase And Standoff In Richardsonsmashdatopic8 years ago1.6kA burglary suspect at a car dealership led police on a chase Tuesday morning that lasted for almost 3 hours....
Celebrity NewsCHRIS BROWN’S STAND OFF WITH POLICEsmashdatopic9 years ago1.4kCHRIS BROWN’S STAND OFF WITH POLICE!!!! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); According to the Los Angeles Times … Chris Brown...