NewsMan Shot And Killed Inside Apartment Complexsmashdatopic7 years ago10.7k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A man was found shot inside Mountain View Creek apartments aka The Browns in Highland...
NewsDoes This Look Like Self Defense Or MURDER?smashdatopic7 years ago3.1kThis happened in Killeen, Tx. Sources say the shooters mom work for the police dept in Killeen....
News2 Men Overdose Off Of A Drug Called PCP…. This Drug Is Also Called Angel Dust Or Wetsmashdatopic7 years ago4.2k
NewsA Teenage Girl Calls A Dude A B*TCH To His Face And OG Went Off… Was The OG Wrong For Being So Aggressive?smashdatopic7 years ago2.7k
NewsMan Murdered in Shopping Centersmashdatopic7 years ago3.1k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A guy was shot and killed leaving a Metro PCS store in North Dallas. Reportedly...
NewsMan Sentenced To 90 Years For Selling Synthetic Marijuanasmashdatopic7 years ago3.6k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); A Lubbock man was sentenced to 90 years in prison after being caught selling synthetic...
NewsPolice Arrest The Mother In Richardson Toddler Casesmashdatopic7 years ago1.9k(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); The mother of Sherrin Matthews was arrested Thursday for child endangerment. Apparently Sini Matthews told...