
YouTubers May Go To Prison After Spending The Night In Target



Johnson Larose, 25, and Charlotte Fischer, 24, are YouTubers known as “Saucy and Honey.”

On February 21, the two decided to have a little fun and spend the night in a Pennsylvania Target. They recorded their adventure and then were arrested later.

The pair are facing criminal charges that could end with up to seven years in prison.

When the alarm tripped at the location, authorities went to the scene to check it out but found nothing.

The following day, store workers were reviewing camera footage and saw a man and a woman walking around. They did so for hours as their phones were seen out. It was noted that the pair didn’t take any items.

The couple posted the “24-hour Overnight Challenge in Target” on their page.

They had told their more than 17k followers that they had remained in the store all night. However, authorities say that the two left close to 3 a.m. which is why the alarm went off. They had gone back to Target at 8 a.m. to finish recording.

Larose and Fischer are facing third-degree criminal trespassing charges. They have been released on a $25,000 bond. They aren’t permitted inside any Target in that state.

“I mean no regrets. Just living life and having fun. It’s kinda sad that all of this came out of it. We were expecting a fine. Nothing crazy,” Fischer stated.

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