Youth Pastor Commits Suicide After Church Terminates Him For ‘Credible’ Child Sexual Assault Offenses

Following accusations that he sexually assaulted children under his leadership, a well-known youth pastor killed himself. The suicide came just two days subsequent to him being terminated from his church, in New Hampshire, after credible allegations were exposed.
37-year-old Jarrett Booker had been the Pastor of Worship and Youth Ministry at Nashua Baptist Church for almost 10 years prior to his victims speaking out in November.
But, on November 27, 2023, Booker committed suicide rather than being held accountable for his actions, the elders and deacons at his church noted through a statement.
The church’s website shows that Booker, who was married and a father of one, worked directly with teenagers. He had also worked with children at a previous church, too.
After looking into the allegations, the leaders at his current church found that there was inexcusable misconduct that took place by the accused.
The church is working with law enforcement and had urged Booker to do the same, as well.
As of now, more in depth information about the sexual assaults isn’t known nor the number of victims.
The Nashua Police Department had been investigating Booker for child sex crimes at the time that he took his own life. But, he hadn’t been charged, and an investigation is continuing.
On Booker’s Facebook profile, he called himself an, “unfaithful and unholy sinner changed by a faithful and Holy God.”
His wife wrote on Facebook, “JB had his demons. I won’t pretend that he didn’t. His choices caused harm. The hard truth I am learning is that there are questions for him that will go without answers in my lifetime.”
Wow!!! Who can you trust?!
He was for sure guilty. He administered his own punishment. Sadly these kids trusted him,will be praying for those whom he violated.
So much for “godliness” sick MF’r
He knew he wasn’t gonna make it in jail
Keeping my child away from churches
This is why so many people don’t want to attend church because the leaders are not living what they’re preaching and teaching about