
Women Caught On Camera Stealing And Assaulting Academy Employee In Houston


Houston police are searching for two women that were caught on surveillance camera assaulting an Academy’s employee last month.

On August 19, around 9:30 a.m., two women were seen on camera stealing several pairs of pants at an Academy Sports and Outdoors located on the 9700 block of Katy Freeway.

The women placed several pairs of pants into a shopping cart and then tried to wheel the cart out the store without paying but was stopped by an employee.

When the employee grabbed the cart one of the women pepper sprayed the employee in the face and the other one pulled out a taser and threatened them.

The women then grabbed the items inside the cart and ran out the store fleeing in a light colored sedan.

Authorities said one of the women were around 5’7, about 240lbs wearing black shorts and a white shirt. The other woman was about 5’9, 160-170lbs and she was wearing a black shirt and grey pants.

Both women appear to be between 30 and 45 in age.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Houston police.


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