
Woman Who Fatally Shot Her Neighbor Begs For A Speedy Trial After Not Wanting To Die In Jail


The Marion County, Florida woman who fatally shot her neighbor was back in court again at the beginning of this month.

Susan “Killer Karen” Lorincz had shot and killed 35-year-old Ajike “AJ” Owens, a mother of four young children, as she fired her gun through her own locked front door. Owens and her 9-year-old son had been standing on Lorincz’s porch because Owens wanted to discuss the harassment of her children.

Lorincz had been called “Killer Karen,” because she was known to yell, use the N-word, and throw toys at the children. She even had called the authorities on them for no reason, reports indicate.

After four days, Lorincz was finally apprehended. At first, she said that the matter was self-defense and that she had been “standing her ground.”

Lorincz wasn’t charged with murder to the dismay of many. However, she has been charged with manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, assault, and battery.

The recent hearing was held because of the letter that Lorincz had written to the judge. That’s when she discussed her right to a speedy trial, something that she hadn’t wanted before.

But, since she didn’t use her lawyer to file the motion, the judge stated that the request wasn’t done correctly.

Lorincz had noted that she wanted to speed up the process of her trial because she wasn’t being cared for properly. She suffers from high blood pressure and is scared to die in jail, she says.

The judge instructed her to think about what decision she would like to make, again. The defense’s lawyer stated in court that it isn’t prepared for the trial or to speed things up.

As of now, pretrial hearings will begin in June.


  1. She actually thinks shes getting out ! Lmao, Shes not being cared for properly….awwwww. lol CROAK you evil woman !

  2. “Scared to die in jail” This means she has absolutely NO remorse and EXPECTS to be found innocent. This was murder, not manslaughter!

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