
Woman Sues Princess Cruises, Stating She Was Infected With HIV After Being Raped By Worker


A woman has filed a lawsuit against Princess Cruises after supposedly being raped by an art gallery worker who infected her with HIV.

The unidentified woman filed the lawsuit this week regarding the incident that happened in January 2022.

The worker, only named as Aleksandr, was employeed with Park West, an art auction hosting partner, onboard. She stated that she had been drinking throughout the day when Aleksandr saw her and convinced her to take part in the auction. He then asked her about her room number and her name. He later called to her room and told her to return to the gallery.

The man is said to have made her drink more alcohol and took her up a flight of stairs. She stated that her then pushed her into a closet and raped her. The woman added that she was too drunk to get him off of her and told him she didn’t want to have sex.

Documents note that the woman later started to have symptoms and went to the doctor where she was tested and diagnosed with HIV.

Park West Galleries stated that there is no evidence to support the woman’s claim. They also said that they were never notified of the alleged incident to now, almost a year later.

Princess Cruise Line hasn’t released a statement in the matter.

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