
Woman Steals $600,000 From Husband After Persuading Him That He Has Alzheimer’s


Donna Marino, 63, spent twenty years trying to persuade her husband that he had Alzheimer’s in a plot to take his money.

Authorities in New Haven, Connecticut, say Marino stole $600,000 from her 73 year-old spouse. She did so by taking him for his pension funds, workers’ compensation money, and his Social Security wages. Marino would later put the money in a private bank account that he was unaware of after forging his signature.

By making him believe he had Alzheimer’s, he wouldn’t discover the low balances,  authorities allege.

The husband’s daughter, Elena, alerted authorities after she discovered paperwork in the home. She says Donna had been stealing from her dad since 1999.

Marino has now been charged with first-degree larceny and third- degree forgery.

Marino said she needed the money to help family members with rent, food, and more.

At first her husband didn’t want to pursue charges, but with the help of his daughter, he changed his mind after filing for divorce in January 2020.

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