
Woman Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison After Kidnapping Hoax


The California woman who faked her own kidnapping was sentenced to 18 months in prison after she confessed to the crime and pled guilty to the charges.

40-year-old Sherri Papini was reported missing in November 2016 by her husband. She was found three weeks later on the side of a highway, 140 miles away.

When Papini reappeared, she made up a story about two women who chained her up and kept her in a closet at gunpoint. In actuality, the mother of two was with an ex-boyfriend the entire time.

For 22 days, multiple agencies across three states searched for the fake-missing woman before she resurfaced. Another 5 years were spent searching for the non-existent kidnappers.

The entire scheme cost government agencies over $300,000 in damages. Papini also collected nearly $130,000 in disability payments after the kidnapping hoax.

As a part of her plea deal taken earlier this year, the maximum sentencing would be lowered from 25 years. Despite her defense attorneys’ and probation officer’s request for a 1-month sentence, the judge’s final ruling on Monday was 18 months.

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