
Woman Bites Off Registered Sex Offender’s Penis During Attack


A South Carolina woman bit off a registered sex offender’s penis after he tried to rape her.
According to reports Dennis Slaton,61 kidnapped the victim at a gas station in Greenville County when she flagged him down after waiting on someone she met online at a Motel 6.
He offered to give her a ride to her destination but when she got in the car he threatened her with a knife and started yelling that she owed him $300 while driving her to his home.
Once at his residence he forced her inside and began sexually assaulting her and then threatened to kill her when he was finished.
The woman then bit off his penis grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the buttocks before running to a neighbors house naked and drenched in blood.
Slaton who is a convicted sex offender was arrested after being in ICU for a month due to his severed penis.
He was charged with first degree criminal sexual conduct and kidnapping and was released on a $75,000 bond.

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