
Woman Assists Stranger On Plane With His Baby


A dad was traveling with his 8 month-old son, and everything was going wrong.

The baby was doing well on only the second experience of flying. That was until he wanted to go to a passagener seated next to a window.

The dad attempted to stop his son from trying to get to the woman, but it was no use.

After greeting one another and struggling with the baby, the man stated the woman opened her arms and said, “Oh, just give him to me.”

Within minutes, the boy fell asleep. The woman then said to the dad, “The power of the boobies.”

She also offered to monitor the child if the dad wanted to get some sleep, as well. He accepted the offer after an exhausting day of traveling.

The father took a picture and thanked the woman in a post on social media. It garnered 120,000 views in one day!

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