
What You Need To Know About Your Stimulus Payment


The IRS is here to insure that the people get the Economic Impact Payment as quickly and swiftly as possible. Stimulus Payments are automatically deposited for people who filed their 2018 and 2019 taxes, no further action is needed for most seniors and retired.
Be sure to keep a lookout for your payment statues, and be sure to confirm whether or not you have sent to your direct deposit or A check in the mail.
For those who did not file their 2018 and 2019 taxes, do not worry , there is a way to help yourself. Go to the IRS website and click on the “Non-Files: Enter Your Payment Info Here”, make sure to provide as much information about your situations so that you can receive a payment.
For any additional questions that you may have, or questions about eligibility, payments amounts, and what to expect.

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