
Walmart Placed Employee In Cage To Raise Money For Fundraiser


A Providence, Rhode Island, Walmart is receiving backlash following a fundraiser that was on display.

It contained a Black employee, inside of a cage, requesting “bail” money to generate funds for the Hasbro Children’s Miracle Network.

“I’m in jail! I need bail! Help me raise $50 to get out,” the sign read.

“This display not only perpetuates harmful stereotypes but also showcases a blatant lack of respect and understanding for the experiences of marginalized communities,” a statement from Black Lives Matter Rhode Island PAC.

They are also demanding a review of the matter and want those responsible for the display to face consequences.

The display can no longer be seen at the Walmart, located on Silver Spring St.

“As a part of our annual Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals fundraiser, we encourage store associates to creatively engage with one another and customers to raise money. The “jail” fundraiser goes against company policy and should never be used…,” a statement from Walmart noted.

As of now, it isn’t known who is responsible or if they will be held accountable.

1 Comment

  1. Oh for chrissake. People need to settle down. He went in willingly. Stop treating people differently because of their race. That is racism. Ugh.

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