
Video Reveals Unarmed Driver Being Tased After Asking To Talk With Police Officer’s Supervisor


DoorDash driver Delane Gordon was stopped by an officer for speeding after he was close to his delivery location. An officer had first passed him. He then made a U-turn before Gordon was pulled over in Collegedale, Tennessee, on March 10.

Gordon had begun recording, at some point, with a camera that was mounted in his vehicle. He denied that he was speeding.

Gordon is said to have requested “politely and repeatedly” to talk to the officer’s supervisor. However, a recording shows that the incident escalated when the officer instructed Gordon to exit his vehicle. But, he wouldn’t.

“Get out!” the officer is heard saying as he points a Taser at Gordon. The video shows the officer claiming that Gordon wouldn’t show his i.d.

“Sir, I feel uncomfortable. Please get your supervisor,” Gordon responded.

The officer then attempted to force Gordon out of the vehicle. When he resisted, the officer retrieved his Taser again.

“Please stop! Please don’t hurt me. Why are you doing this?” Gordon says.

The video then depicts the officer tasing Gordon as he yelled. “Oh my God! That’s not lawful, sir!”

“Questioning a police officer shouldn’t be met with an officer interpreting that exchange as a challenge to his authority. [Gordon] “has no criminal history, and we want it to stay that way,” Gordon’s lawyer, Ryan Wheeler, noted.

The Collegedale Police Department said that there will be a release of the entire body camera video and Internal Affairs Report when the investigation is complete.

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