
Tyler Perry Helps Bring Atlanta Couple Home After Being Held In Mexican Hospital


Tyler Perry has stepped in and offered to pay an Atlanta couples hospital bill in Mexico after hospital refuses to let them leave because of $14,000 in unpaid medical bill.
Stephen Johnson,31 and his fiancée Tori Austin were traveling on a Carnival Dream Cruise for vacation when Johnson became ill and had to seek medical attention.
He was diagnosed with pancreatitis and diabetes and had to be hospitalized into a Progresso, Mexico hospital.
Johnson spent three days in ICU and once he got better the hospital informed the couple that they had a $14,000 hospital bill that needed to be taken care of before he would be released.
Austin says she offered to pay $7000 up front and the rest once they made it back home to Atlanta but the hospital denied their request.
She also said when they tried to leave the hospital staff became physical with them and even used trash cans to block them.
After the couple posted their story to Facebook it gained national attention and several people offered to help including Tyler Perry who offered to pay the full balance and fly them home.
Spokesperson for the hospital said Johnson is not well enough to travel home yet and will probably remain hospitalized through the weekend.

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