
Two Families Are Suing TikTok After Losing Their Daughters to its “Blackout Challenge”


Two families have filed wrongful death lawsuits against TikTok after each losing a child to a TikTok challenge.

8-year-old Lalani Walton from Temple, Texas and 9-year-old Arriani Arroyo from Milwaukee, Wisconsin were both found unconscious inside their homes.

Arriani was found hanging by a dog leash by her 5-year-old brother on February 26, 2021. The leash was tied to the door in her room and her phone was recording. The little boy went to get their father, who was working in the basement, and Arriani was rushed to the hospital and put on life support. The little girl suffered permanent brain damage with complete loss of functioning. Her family was forced to withdraw her from life support.

Lalani was found by her step-mother, hanging from her bed with a rope around her neck on July 15, 2021. The step-mother cut her free and called 911 but officers pronounced Lalani deceased due to self-asphyxiation.

Both Arriani and Lalani were doing TikTok’s “blackout challenge,” which has users choke themselves with ropes, belts, or strings until they pass out.

SMVLC, Social Media Victims Law Center, is representing the families in their wrongful death claims. The lawsuit says TikTok is not only responsible, but it is “an addictive product that is not safe for users.”

“Benadryl Challenge”, “KissYourBestFriend Challenge”, and “IKnowSomethingYouDont Challenge” have already been banned from TikTok.

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