
Two Actors From Netflix ‘The Chosen One’ Dies In Car Crash


Near the filming location of the Netflix show, The Chosen One, a car crash killed two actors and injured four other cast and crew members.

Authorities identified Raymundo Garduño Cruz and Paco Mufote as the two deceased actors.

Their van ran off a dirt road into a desert area, then flipped over.

The accident did not occur on set.

A friend of Mufote, Liliana Gallegos, explains that Mufote had been complaining about bad transportation and disorganization. Mufote also said the crew was being exploited to save money.

Another friend of Mufote, Fernando Bonilla, took to Twitter backing up exploitation claims by writing on Twitter, saying “Many film and television productions have drivers overexploited, causing these f—ing tragedies. I just found out and I can’t believe it. I have a crushed heart”.

Redrum, the production paused filming the show while the investigation is ongoing.

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