
Twin Brothers Walk 176 Miles for Foster Care


Davon and Tavon Woods, 26, are walking from Georgia to Florida over 170 miles to raise awareness for the foster care system.

The twin brothers biological mother used crack cocaine while pregnant with them. This caused the twins to be transferred from the hospital immediately to the foster care system for the next 17 years.

The twins were adopted at age two but they never experienced true affection nor did they feel loved.

“We really want the kids to be able to see that someone is willing to walk that extra mile because being born in the system, you feel like nobody is fighting for you,” Davon said.

“Also showing endurance,” said Tavon. “How we endure life and being adopted and foster care. This walk is based off endurance. No matter how tough the journey gets, we are going to make it to our destination.”

The foster care advocates anticipate this journey taking 5 days, walking 12 to 15 hours each day.

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