
Those 21 And Under May Be Prohibited From Working In Adult Entertainment Establishments


A new bill in Florida would prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from being employed in strip clubs or other adult entertainment establishments.

Senate Bill 1690 modifies current statues to include the ban, which states that it is a misdemeanor for any owner, manager, employee, or contractor to knowingly employ or contract an individual to employ, anyone younger than 21.

Adult bookstores, adult theater, a special cabaret, or an unlicensed massage parlor are all considered to be adult entertainment.

Prior to now, the bill advanced through the Criminal Justice Committee by a 6-2 vote. Now, it is in the hands of the Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice.

The goal of the bill is to help put a stop to human trafficking because “victims of sex trafficking are frequently recruited to work as performers or employees in adult entertainment establishments.”

The bill will be implemented on July 1 if it is passed.

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