
The IRS Is Contacting Some People To Get Stimulus Checks Back


The IRS wants all or some of their stimulus checks back.

Over the last 3 to 4 weeks, people in different states have received demand letters.

As reported in their 2020 tax returns, the IRS is requesting $600, $1,200, and $1,400 paybacks.

Natalie Bonelli, of Massachusetts, got a letter. The IRS wants $603.12 back. She discovered that a $600 check in her name was sent to an address in New York.

But, she had left that residence, and the IRS encouraged her to claim the lost check on her 2020 tax return.

She did, and now the IRS wants the funds back from her. This is despite the fact that the agency is able to track funds.

She has tried on several occasions to reach the IRS with no luck. What’s worse, the agency expects payments within 3 weeks.

It is suggested that if you are in this predicament, you should pay. Then, ask for a trace and dispute anything that is incorrect.


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