
Texas Woman Stabs Boyfriend Several Times After He Catches Her Creating An OnlyFans Account


On Wednesday, close to 2 a.m., 22-year-old Destiny Nicole Jimenez is said to have stabbed a man repeatedly. This was after he discovered her making content for OnlyFans, authorities say.

The incident occurred at the Fifty02 Westover Hills apartments, near Wiseman Boulevard, on the West Side of San Antonio, Texas.

Investigators say that the man arrived home to find his partner making the adult content for the OnlyFans account. The pair began to have a disagreement, and Jimenez then retrieved a knife and slashed the man on the chest and forearm. Afterwards, she stabbed the man in the ribs.

The man then exited the apartment and called police. He was transported to a medical facility with non-life threatening wounds.

When the occurrence transpired, a 6-year-old child was in the residence and was taken by the grandparents.

Jimenez has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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