
Texas Woman Delivered Baby In Toilet, Left Newborn In Bucket


A 23-year-old woman in Smith County, Texas, told authorities that she gave birth to an infant as she was standing over a toilet. She then glanced at the baby, placed it in a brown towel, and put it in a red bucket.

23-year-old Jazzlyn Cooper-Holmes stated that she had the baby on March 12, close to 4 p.m., at her residence in Longview. She disclosed to authorities that she had already purchased sheets, feminine hygiene items, and medicine.

Holmes said that after putting the baby behind the trailer, she went to look at the infant one more time and then went to sleep.

A person residing with Holmes, who owns the home, called police on Wednesday after discovering the infant in the bucket three days later.

On Saturday, Holmes was apprehended for abuse of a corpse without legal authority. Holmes was placed in the Smith County Jail on a $1 million bond.


  1. Ladies, its Condoms EVERY WHERE📣 and they’re also FREE when you go in for your Annual just ask your Doctor and they’ll give out a 1yr supply. There’s other Birth Control as well just visit your Doctor and talk about unplanned pregnancies and they’ll help. There’s also Fire Departments and hospitals you can send these babies to if you don’t think being a parent is for you but don’t go harming and/or neglecting these children because you’re mentally and spiritually weak. Or how about practicing abstinence not having any sex at all until your circumstances have changed and you’ve 100% bettered yourself. This definitely didn’t have to happen to that precious baby. No child ask to be here, NONE!! So If you aren’t 100% sure you can care for a child PLEASE!!! DO NOT HAVE SEX and start expressing these things to your partner so they can be aware but at least if you aren’t sure go get a Birth Control thats right for you. UseProtection Do your research on Birth Control and you choose the one thats right for you. TalkToYourDoctor #NotJustAboutSex

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