
Texas Teens Beat Stepdad To Death After He Sexually Abused Their Sister


Three teens are accused of beating a man death after he was accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old girl.

Gabriel Quintanilla, 42, was the stepfather to the little girl and 2 of the teen boys, Alejandro Trevino, 17, and Christian Trevino, 18. The third teen involved in the murder is the Trevino brother’s friend, Juan Melendez, 18.

A farmer found the stepfather’s body in a field in McAllen, Tx on Thursday, Jan. 20.

A warrant was out for Quintanilla’s arrest on charges of continuous sexual assault of a child at the time of the beating.

On the day of the incident, the girl told her mother that the man had been sexually abusing her. With this information, the two brothers confronted their stepfather which lead to a fight.

Quintanilla ran out of the home, fleeing to an apartment down the street. The brothers followed him, and with the help of their friend Melendez, attacked their stepfather.

The trio left briefly following the beating, but returned to the area and found the man walking by himself. They began to beat the man again, this time wearing brass knuckles. They then loaded him into the bed of a truck and dumped him in the field where he was later discovered.

Officials said Quintanilla was probably still alive at the time he was left in the field.

One of the brothers and the friend are charged with murder, while the other brother is facing a lesser charge of aggravated assault.

Bond has been set at $1.5 million and $1 million for each brother, and $1.5 million for their friend.

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