
Texas Man’s Murder Still Unsolved After 35 Years


After 35 years, a Henderson County man’s murder still hasn’t been solved. Rickey Herriage, 29, was described as a loving person and brother.

His body was discovered in a creek after a night of having fun in Athens, Texas. At the time, authorities say that interviews, polygraph test results, and other evidence was collected.

Although DNA testing was quite developed back then, his family still doesn’t believe that enough was done to solve his murder.

“To my knowledge, I don’t think that they talked to a lot of people that were around him. And I had not one police officer… come to my home, ever,” stated his mother.

Now, a new office is handling the case. Evidence that was collected from 1987 has been sent to a lab in California, and a DNA profile has been made. It hasn’t provided a match, as of yet.

Ricky would have been 64-years-old on March 8, 2022, and his family stated that they won’t stop seeking justice.

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