
Texas Man Sentenced To 70 Years In Prison For Spitting At Police Officers


A Texas man was sentenced to 70 years in prison for spitting at Lubbock police officers.

36 year old Larry Pearson was arrested back in May of 2022, when a woman flagged down an officer and said Pearson physically attacked her and had a gun. When officers checked the gun and noticed it was an air soft gun.

Authorities placed Pearson inside a squad car where he then became belligerent and began kicking the door and spitting at officers.

Allegedly when they arrived at the jail Pearson continued spitting at officers and was charged with two counts of harassing a public servant.

While in court this week the judge took in to consideration that Pearson had several previous charges and was already facing 25 years in prison.

Prosecutor Jessica Gorman then said, “If you’re going to live the life of crime, you’re going to do that among other criminals [in prison]. You’re not going to get 70 years for something like this when you’ve never been in trouble before.”


  1. Thats way to much time, people get less time for murder bit hey thats Lubbock Tx they are known for giving people of color ridiculous amount of time. But dont believe me just look up the history of them and then they go make the head of TDCJ parole a guy from Lubbock Tx. SMH

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