
Texas Little League Coach And Wife Sued For Sexually Abusing 8 Boys


A Texas Little League coach, his wife, and the organization are being sued over sexual abuse allegations. The abuse involves 8 boys throughout many years.

Adam Issacks is the Evadale Little League coach. His wife, Miranda Issacks, is the president of the league. They and an assistant coach are being accused of grooming the boys and sexually assaulting them while carrying out their duties in the organization.

The league is located in Jasper County, 25 miles away from Beaumont.

“Plaintiffs are victims and survivors of childhood sexual assault, molestation, and abuse at the hands of their Little League Baseball Coach and League President,” the lawsuit notes.

It added that much of the abuse occurred when the boys were 7 to 8-years-old. Then, it continued until they were 11 to 12.

Reports indicate that the couple groomed and assaulted the boys when they would stay the night at the couple’s residence. It also occurred during camping adventures and rides in vehicles.

The couple faces charges for displaying sex toys in front of the kids and giving them alcohol.

In December, the couple was apprehended and charged with sexual assault and indecency with minors. Adam Issacks is still being held on a $6.5 million bond.


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