
Texas Association of Business Urges Gov. Abbott To Opt Out Of Extended Unemployment Benefits


The Texas Association of Business teamed up with 37 other organizations to urge Gov. Abbott to opt out of extended unemployment benefits. They feel the extended unemployment benefits are causing labor shortages.
Example of businesses affected are restaurants and retail stores.
The Texas Association of Business CEO Glenn Hamer says that the unemployment stimulus is deterring people from returning back to work. In reality, job openings are currently at a historically high level.
“If you go around any city in Texas you will see job openings everywhere for jobs well over minimum wage,” Hamer said.
David Villalobos, a member of the Texas Organizing Project says the extra unemployment benefits is still a vital lifeline. “The state of Texas and Governor Abbott should not be playing with the livelihoods of our people,” Villalobos said.
Being that additional unemployment benefits in place until September. Unemployed Texas can receive between $1500 – $3300 based on their pay history.
Governor Abbott’s office has not made any public statements about the urge to opt out of extra unemployment benefits.

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