
Terrell Independent School District Will Shift To A Four-Day School Week


Starting with the 2023-2024 school year, Terrell ISD will be transitioning to a four-day school week. The adoption of this calendar was done by the Board of Trustees on Monday night.

The district stated that their number one priority is high quality instruction. They also noted that with the modification to the school calendar, they will be able to gain and keep teachers.

The decision was made subsequent to “hosting a number of calendar committee meetings, conducting extensive research on the impact of the four-day week, surveying both parents and staff members, and attending seminars to learn from those districts who have implemented the four-day school week model.”

The survey revealed that 72% of parents were for the four-day academic week. Additionally, it found that 92% of the staff would be retained if the academic week was shortened, the district said.

The plan is for students to attend class in- person, Monday-Thursday and be enrolled in independent learning on Fridays because the campus will be closed. As this takes place, the school days will be a bit longer.

The district added that they are reviewing plans to ensure that there is free childcare for elementary students and food for parents that ask for help on Fridays.


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