
Teen Shot & Killed Outside Family Home


Sean Toomey, 15, went outside to retrieve water from the car and was shot twice. Officials say this occurred Thursday, March 24 around 9:12PM.

Officials also state there were two males that were attempting to hijack a woman’s car as she was driving into her apartment complex. The woman called her boyfriend for assistance but when the boyfriend arrived outside, the two suspects ran off. In that same moment shots were fired. Police eliminated the boyfriend as a suspect.

Toomey’s father, John, revealed in an interview that he figured the two pops were firecrackers but he became concerned when his son did not return after some time. John went out to check on him and found him lying in their neighbors yard with two gun shot wounds, one in the head and another in his side.

Subsequently, Toomey was rushed to the hospital Thursday evening but officials announced Toomey passed away Friday morning.

There is a pending investigation. Police are uncertain if Toomey was targeted by the two suspects or if he was caught between a conflict.

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