
Teen Fatally Shot 5-Year-Old, Fearing The Little Boy Would Snitch On Him


Malcolm Hardy, 16, fatally shot a 5-year-old boy in February because he believed the little boy would tell that he killed the boy’s mother and her boyfriend.

All together, 22 shots were fired in the murders of Caleb Harris, 5, Lashon Marshall, 28, and Aaron Benson, 32 in their residence in Detroit. Harris and Benson were both shot nine times, and Marshall was shot four times.

On Thursday, the judge heard testimony from three people, including a friend of Hardy’s. The friend stated that Hardy admitted to him that he committed the murders.

The witness disclosed that Hardy told him that he first shot Benson in self-defense. Then, he unintentionally shot at Marshall, hitting her in the buttocks. He then shot her in the head and killed her.

The only person who was around at the time was 5-year-old Caleb. So, Hardy stated that he shot him in the leg and the head so that he wouldn’t “snitch.”

Hardy has been charged with three counts of felony murder, three counts of first-degree premeditated murder, two counts of armed robbery, and eight counts of felony firearm.

He is being held on all charges and is set to appear in court again on May 19.


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