
Suspect Who Kidnapped and Fatally Stabbed 4 year-old Will Undergo Competency Evaluation


Darriynn Brown, the man accused of kidnapping a Dallas boy from his crib and stabbing him to death, will undergo a competency evaluation.

Brown is facing charges of capital murder and kidnapping. The boy’s body was discovered lying in the street by a early morning walker.

Heath Harris, Brown’s defense lawyer, asked for the evaluation, and a judge signed off on it. Harris is disappointed in the delays that have occurred. It is going on two months and charges for murder have not been filed. Therefore, Harris says he can’t gather the evidence police have so that he can effectively assist his client.

“Is there only one video? Because of his mental health, I don’t know if someone may have led him into the room to take the child….”  Harris said he wants to see other videos.

Dallas police said they have given everything to the DA’s office.

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