
Suspect Involved In Timberview High School Shooting In Custody


Arlington police have a suspect in custody following a shooting at an Arlington high school Wednesday.
Officers responded to a shooting at the Timberview high school Wednesday morning.
According to reports Timothy George Simpkins,18 was involved in a fight that morning and pulled out a gun shooting injuring four people.
He fled the scene before officers could arrive but was later arrested.
He was taken into custody and charged with multiple counts of aggravated assault with a gun.
The investigation remains ongoing.


  1. Using a gun is a cowards way of thinking he won the fight why don’t kids just fist fight they need to go fight in a boxing ring. So he has ruined is life

  2. For all the people that have NEGATIVE stuff to say the was bullied repeatedly the school nor the police did shit and he got tired of it so he did what he felt he had to protect himself this boy is a victim still regardless of what happened the others got what they deserve bullying is horrible it can cause people to kill themselves so for the parents of the kids that got injured OH WELL yall should have taught your kids to not be bullies

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