
Suspect Arrested After Holding A Group Of National Guardsmen At Gunpoint


An Arizona man was arrested and taken into custody Monday after police say he allegedly held a group of National Guardsmen at gunpoint as they were transporting Covid vaccines to Matador, Texas.
Suspect Larry Harris, 66, is accused of following and making a number of attempts to run the vans off the road on Monday, according to investigators. Harris allegedly told the Guardsmen that he was a detective and ordered the men, who was unarmed, out of their vehicles at gunpoint, according to court documents.
“They’re unarmed, they comply. They get out of the van. This guy is holding them at gunpoint and starts searching their van,” said Idalou Police Chief Eric Williams. “You know the question was asked whether or not he was after the Covid-19 vaccines. As far as we know, he was thinking that someone had been kidnapped.”
Investigators said officers arrived at the scene and found Harris with a loaded Colt 1911.
Harris allegedly had another magazine in his truck that was loaded, according to officers who were on the scene. Harris told officers that he believed the people in the vans had kidnapped a woman and child, according to police officials.
All of the 11 National Guardsmen were in uniform. Thankfully, no one was injured, police said.
“I am amazed that this did not turn into a very bad situation because he was standing in the midst of these guardsmen, with a loaded gun,” Williams stated. “Plenty of ammunition to cause a lot of havoc, and for whatever reason, he put the gun in the front of his pants when he saw officers arriving.”
Williams reported that Harris was acting very erratic. He was arrested without further incident.
Harris has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and interference with Texas Military Forces, according to court documents.
If convicted, Harris could face up to 20 years in prison. This incident is still being investigated.


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