
Student Sold In Mock Slave Auction At School


On March 4, Ashley Palmer shared how her Black son disclosed to her that some of the children in his class had been a part of a mock slave auction. It was put together by students at J.S. Waters School, a K-8 school, in North Carolina.

She said she learned that this wasn’t the first time it happened, so her son who was also targeted, didn’t really think that it was anything to tell.

The boy said that one student went for ‘$350’ and another student was the SlaveMaster. This was due to the fact that “he knew how to handle them.” Palmer added that students were also using the n-word.

After her son reported the occurrence, Palmer said that he was assaulted by one of the students, and it’s continued. This came after students who were a part of the auction were suspended for one day.

On Monday, the school board accepted the motion of implementing an action plan to stop racial bullying.

This plan will include altering guidelines on how discriminatory actions are managed, like notifying parents and guardians, investigations, discipline, social support, meeting the needs of victims, staff training, and an after-action plan.


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