South Carolina Chic-fil-A Manager Help Direct Line At COVID-19 Vaccination Site After Computer Glitches

A manager at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in South Carolina is being hailed a hero from the town’s mayor after lending a helping hand at a COVID vaccination site during a computer glitch.
Will Haynie, the mayor if Mt. Pleasant, S.C., said traffic was backed up for over an hour at a Covid-19 vaccination driver through in town after a computer glitch occurred, according to a post made on Facebook.
“We asked local Chick-fil-A manager, Jerry Walkowiak for help today after a computer glitch backed up thinks at the driver through vaccination site. Instead of just giving advice, this video shows what he did,” the mayor wrote.
“When you need help, you call the pros,” he added on Twitter.
He shared a video of the Chick-fil-A manager while he was directing traffic. The fast-food establishment has a reputation for having efficient and well-designed drive-throughs.
Followers on social media expressed how grateful they were for the manager’s quick actions.
“Thank you, Jerry! Mount Pleasant Proud!” the mayor added.