
Seven Texas Men Recorded Themselves Raping Two Toddlers Inside Mall, Authorities Say

Courtesy: Click2Houston

A Texas man has been taken into custody after being accused of filming himself and six other men as they sexually assaulted two toddlers. This happened in a public restroom at the mall.

Arthur Hector Fernandez III, 29, has been charged with sexual exploitation of children.

This week, the FBI stated that had gotten recordings from the Australian Centre to Counter Children Exploitation (ACCCE). They had found them on the dark web. The recordings revealed the abuse of two children, 2 and 3, in a restroom at the Houston Galleria.

Fernandez is said to have worked at the Galleria. This is where he lured the children and their family members.

Documents show that one of the recordings depicted a male child laying on a changing table. Then, an unknown male assaults him. Fernandez had recorded the incident on his phone.

Then, a female child is seen in three recordings. She had been lying on the changing table. Several men were seen raping her one by one. Fernandez was observed doing the assaulting in at least two of the recordings.

The FBI was able to name Fernandez because of the clothing and other items he had the children wore. Family members of the two toddlers were contacted. They were familiar with the items and said that Fernandez was a family friend.

One of the relatives stated that Fernandez had cared for the first child after they had no babysitter. Fernandez had volunteered to watch the child at the relative’s place of employment at the mall. This occurred on May 6 and was the only time that Fernandez had been around the child.

A family member of the second child stated that the same thing occurred when the child was brought to their workplace on two separate instances.


    1. They need to bring back the chair. And let it play on the net so all evil doers can see what awaits them.

  1. Yall let these people get away with to much somebody in the system like kids too thats why they not giving a lot of time SMH i cant say what i want am gonna get band

  2. TRASH!! All pf them need too be Castrated like the animals that they are that’s just awful it just tears my heart apart

  3. VERY SICK AND DISGUSTING. I say this again please protect your kids. This world is very wicked and satan is trying to devour all that he can because his time is coming to an end.

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