
Security Guard Captured Repeatedly Punching Man On Rail Platform

Courtesy: Tim Orange via St. Louis Dispatch

A security guard from St. Louis’ light rail system continuously punched and stomped a man in the head, police say. This was done as the victim was laying face-down on a platform. Meanwhile, bystanders pleaded with the security guard to stop.

Kevin Scott, the general manager of Bi-State Development, that manages Metro Transit in St. Louis, has stated that the guard has been fired.

In a video, the guard is seen in a black and yellow uniform, standing with his legs over the man who is on the ground, trying to protect his himself. The guard then went down and struck the man three times in the head.

“I asked you for your hands behind you back!” the guard screamed at the man.

Another recording reveals the officer screaming at bystanders who say the man is innocent. He “put his hands on a woman. That’s your momma, your sister, anything,” the officer continued.

The video also revealed the security guard brushing away a female security guard who attempted to see about the man who was lying in a pool of blood. Another guard is observed tending to the man.

Bystanders had stated that the incident began on Friday when two men had passed out on a train and were vomiting. Security guards boarded the train, but one man stood up and ran off. He ran in the direction of another train, hitting it headfirst. The man fell again and tried to aggressively hug a female security guard. She tried to move him away, and the other security guards attempted to get ahold of the man when punches began to be thrown. They added that the security guard stomped the man, but that wasn’t seen on video.

Other officers confiscated the guard’s phone and forced him to exit the station or be apprehended.

It isn’t clear what exactly occurred with the second man.

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