
Sarasota Candidate Martin Hyde Apologizes For His Actions During A Traffic Stop


Congressional candidate Martin Hyde has announced that despite his encounter with a Sarasota police officer he is still in the running against U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan in a GOP primary for the 16th District congressional seat.

On February 14 Hyde was pulled over for speeding, texting while driving and not furnishing his vehicle registration.

During the traffic stop Hyde was caught on the bodycam making comments to the officer regarding her race.

He was also seen threatening to contact her supervisor and the mayor to end her career.

The officer called for her supervisor and backup stating the driver was being extremely uncooperative. When other officers arrived Hyde said, “We’re going to make sure that she pays the price for being disrespectful.”

During an interview on Wednesday Hyde claimed he was in a grumpy mood that day. He also went on to say that he respects the law and that his son was a sheriff deputy.

He has since apologized for his actions and says he regrets his behavior.

Hyde released a statement regarding his actions saying, “Just over a week ago I was stopped in Sarasota for speeding. During the stop I was belligerent and rude to the officer who stopped me. Much interest has been shown in local media and many comments made as to my behavior. I’m not going to justify my poor temper on that day or attempt to mitigate it in any way. There will be some who will say it’s not the first time I’ve acted out and they’d be right. I have faults and one of them is to be overly aggressive on occasion when I’m challenged.

In the political arena that is possibly a good thing but on a personal level it’s not. I’ve apologized to the officer in question, and now I’m apologizing to the community as a whole. I’m going to do my utmost to behave better going forward. I’m not running away though as that’s not in my nature. There is nothing more I can say or will say on this subject other than I’m sorry for any offence caused to anyone.”


  1. He can apologize all day long. He showed how entitled he truly feels. But as most politicians a LIAR! With his expired registration.

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