
Robert Griffin III Claims He Was Sexually Harassed While On Washington Football Team


Former quarterback Robert Griffin III stated that he’s written a book that exposes the sexual harassment he endured while a member of the Washington Football Team.

In “Surviving Washington,” RGIII also discusses how his injuries were mismanaged, the toxic atmosphere, and power struggles throughout the team.

His career was short-lived after being drafted in the first round and helping the troubled team owned by Daniel Synder.

In 2013, he tore his ACL and LCL in his right knee during a game against the Seahawks. He still was placed back into the game until the fourth quarter when his knee gave out.

“With the team’s recent dysfunction… being exposed more and more every day, I knew it was time to share what I saw, experienced and endured. They say the truth shall set you free-so here it is, unfiltered.”

After playing briefly for the Ravens and the Browns, Griffin is now an ESPN analyst.

The book is expected to be released in August 2022.

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