A man has turned himself in and is being charged with first degree murder after a senseless road rage incident turned into murder.
Bianca Roberson,18, was shot and killed on June 28, when she and suspect David Desper,28, were attempting to merge into the same lanes. Apparently Desper became enraged and pulled up beside the young woman and opened fire.
Witnesses say they heard a single shot fired and a man in a red pick up truck speeding off and then Roberson’s car drift off of the road into a ditch hitting a tree.
Authorities say Roberson died instantly with a gun shot to the head by a .40 caliber Smith&Wesson semi automatic handgun. After gathering all information from witnesses police went public and used video surveillance cameras to help identify the suspect and vehicle.
Reports show Desper turned himself in around 2am Sunday morning with his attorney and was charged with first and third degree murder along with criminal homicide, recklessly endangering another person and possession of an instrument of crime with intent to use it criminally.
Desper is currently awaiting his hearing at Chester County Prison and has no bail.