
Rapper Cardi B To Cover Funeral Expenses For Victims Of Fire


On January 8, a massive fire occurred in an apartment building in the Bronx. A space heater malfunction seems to be the cause.

17 people were killed, including nine children. 32 other people sustained non-life-threatening injuries. Onlookers reported hearing children crying out for assistance as bodies were being transported off of every level of the building.

It has been called one of the worst fires in the history of New York.

Now, Rapper Cardi B is teaming up with New York City Mayor Eric Adams to pay for the funeral expenses of those who died.

Cardi stated, “I am extremely proud to be from the Bronx. I have lots of family and friends who live and work there still. So, when I heard about the fire and all of the victims, I knew I needed to do something to help. I hope that not having to worry about the costs associated with burying their loved ones will help as they move forward and heal…”

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